A24 Alliance


Press Release


For Immediate Release                   12 July  2004


£23Million and Rising


£23Million and rising. That's what local council tax payers are going to have to face if WSCC get approval for their white elephant A24 Roadbuilding scheme. Clearly middle England will also rise-up.

An angry Peter Finch for the A24 Alliance said: " Without a gramme of concrete having been pored, West Sussex County Council - those masters in the art of increasing council tax - have admitted at their recent A24 exhibition heralding their master plan for the road - that the original cost has increased. Just where will it end? £30million, perhaps even £40million if we see the expected 'Swampy' invasion that accompanies road building.

And what's it all for? WSCC say it's needed to make the road safe. Well officials at the exhibition admitted that since the introduction of the speed cameras, not one crash has been reported. So what's the real reason for the massive roadwork? Could it be anything to do with the expected new section of A24 from Capel in Surrey to North Horsham and the increase in traffic, that it, and the likely house building on the Greenfield land the new road will open up?

To discuss the cost and other issues raised by the A24, the next meeting of the A24 Alliance will be held in Shipley Village Hall on Thursday, July 15th starting at 7.30pm. No doubt it will be lively meeting"


Notes for Editors.

The A24 Alliance was formed in January 2003 by a number of residents who live in the various villages and individual locations along the A24 from Dorking to Worthing.


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