A24 Alliance


Press Release


For Immediate Release                   5 November 2009


Well attended meeting rejects councils road plan.


 Attending the meeting of the A24 Alliance at the Andrew Hall, Shipley on Monday 2nd November were over 10 property owners who will loose land etc as a direct result of the West Sussex County Councils plan to carry out major works on the A24. They were joined by numerous residents who have lived in the area of the A24 for many years.
All agreed that the County's proposals were not the answer, they did not want a motorway-style road and they did not want housing developments that would surely follow. Moreover, it appears that the County Council were not doing some road repairs or properly maintaining the highway. As a consequence, it seems, accidents are occurring on the badly maintained road - accidents the council then claim are the reason the motorway style road is needed.
At the meeting people volunteered to join the campaign and stop the council's over the top scheme, and once thrown out, to get the small scale, but necessary, roadwork's done so that the road serves the residents near the road, the local surrounding community and West Sussex as a whole. The next step is that the A24 Alliance is asking the County Council officers and the local Councillors to a meeting so that residents can ask questions and make their views known.
Commenting, Peter Finch for the A24 Alliance said: "Clearly WSCC have misjudged the determination of the local residents to get this scheme binned. The council came in for stinging criticism on a number of issues, not least of which was the basic human right to be heard. It was claimed that despite council announcements that numerous residents and organisations had been consulted, the fact was many had not. Clearly a paramount reasons why it was inappropriate for the council to grant approval".
"Then of course is the issue of who is going to pay the £36million - and rising - bill for this road. Haven't we been told by the government and the one in waiting that there's no money and were all going to have to work until we drop to pay for the sins of the bankers. Yet despite all this WSCC carry on spending vast sums of money in the planning of the road as if the county hall money tree will have a bumper harvest next year. Maybe councillors should get out a bit  more, it they did they'd see the tree was dead and the county hall coffers are empty. Did  I hear increase council tax?".


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